Follow Zane's Transplant Journey.
Follow Zane's Transplant Journey.
Zane is a 17 year old with progressive chronic kidney disease stage IV and will need a kidney transplant in the upcoming year. He graduated high school a year early in 2024 due to his health. He had a special bond with his teacher, whom we are so grateful for.
He treasures the time he gets to spend with his grandparents. He gives them full tutorials on his favorite movies and shows, including the Spider Man and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle series, Charlie Brown, and classic Disney.
Zane is very close with his sister Hannah. She is the perfect big sis, loving and supportive but critical and painfully honest at the same time. It's very amusing when we have someplace to be and she sends him back to change into the outfit she picked out for him. He hates it but realizes he does look better. She really enjoys wrestling and play fighting with him even though he is taller than her now....she'd better watch out : )
At home Zane loves our family dogs, Holly Mae & Whiskey Blue. They play fetch with the ball and frisbee and Whiskey is really fun to wrestle with. They are good companions for Zane. He takes care of all our chickens and adores our cats Sugar & Ginger.
Zane interests are classic cartoons and video games. His dad and I love it because he likes the video games we played at the Arcades in the 80's. He loves to play piano and keyboard. Zane is self taught and can play many Vince Guaraldi tunes from the Peanuts specials. He enjoys composers, Danny Elfman, Randy Newman, and one of my faves John Williams.
I loved it when he learned the JAWS theme, which he plays for me often. We have learned so many interesting things from Zane.
Zane has enjoyed drawing since he was old enough to hold a pen. We have boxes and boxes stored of his work because he loves all of them. Plus if he becomes famous it will be great to have his childhood work. LOL
Zane has been through a lot even though he has just recently in the past year realized what having progressive chronic kidney disease actually means.
Zane's daily life has always included twice a day medicines, daily injections, G-tube (stomach tube) use, blood pressure checks, and several visits to different doctors a year.
He has had his complaints sometimes daily, but comes full circle and is grateful for what he has. He is one of the most unique, warm, genuine people I know. We want and hope for the smoothest path on this bumpy journey.
I've known I had a kidney problem for as long as I can remember. Only now, have I realized just how severe that problem has become, and I just want to say thank you to everyone who has shown support.